Ohio House Directory For 2015-2016

77 S. High St., Columbus, OH 43215
65 Republican, 34 Democratic
Clerk: Brad Young
House Website

House Leadership

Speaker: Cliff Rosenberger
Speaker Pro Tempore: Ron Amstutz
Majority Floor Leader: Kirk Schuring
Assistant Majority Floor Leader: Jim Buchy
Majority Whip: Dorothy Pelanda
Minority Leader: Fred Strahorn
Assistant Minority Leader: Nicholas Celebrezze
Minority Whip: Nickie Antonio
Assistant Minority Whip: Jack Cera

Directory List:

Dist Name Phone Email Office TS
1 Amstutz, Ron (R-Wooster) 614-466-1474 Rep01@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 4
16 Baker, Nan (R-Westlake) 614-466-0961 Rep16@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 4
57 Boose, Terry (R-Norwalk) 614-466-9628 Rep57@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 4
31 Driehaus, Denise (D-Cincinnati) 614-466-5786 rep31@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 4
23 Grossman, Cheryl (R-Grove City) 614-466-9690 rep23@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 4
70 Hall, David (R-Millersburg) 614-466-2994 rep70@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 4
62 Maag, Ron (R-Lebanon) 614-644-6023 rep62@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 4
94 Phillips, Debbie (D-Albany) 614-466-2158 rep94@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 4
68 Ruhl, Margaret Ann (R-Mt. Vernon) 614-466-1431 rep68@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 4
49 Slesnick, Stephen (D-Canton) 614-466-8030 rep49@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 4
6 Anielski, Marlene (R-Walton Hills) 614-644-6041 Rep06@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 3
13 Antonio, Nickie (D-Lakewood) 614-466-5921 Rep13@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 3
44 Ashford, Mike (D-Toledo) 614-466-1401 Rep44@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
67 Brenner, Andy (R-Powell) 614-644-6711 Rep67@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 3
96 Cera, Jack (D-Bellaire) 614-466-3735 rep96@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
75 Clyde, Kathleen (D-Kent) 614-466-2004 rep75@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
52 Conditt, Margaret (R-Liberty Twp.) 614-466-8550 rep52@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
7 Dovilla, Mike (R-Berea) 614-466-4895 rep07@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 3
21 Duffey, Mike (R-Worthington) 614-644-6030 rep21@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 3
45 Fedor, Teresa (D-Toledo) 614-644-6017 rep45@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
19 Gonzales, Anne (R-Westerville) 614-466-4847 rep19@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 3
72 Hayes, Bill (R-Harrison Township) 614-466-2500 rep72@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 3
40 Henne, Michael (R-Clayton) 614-644-8051 rep40@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 3
90 Johnson, Terry (R-McDermott) 614-466-2124 rep90@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
98 Landis, Al (R-Dover) 614-466-8035 rep98@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
63 O'Brien, Sean (D-Hubbard) 614-466-3488 rep63@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
10 Patmon, Bill (D-Cleveland) 614-466-7954 rep10@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
56 Ramos, Dan (D-Lorain) 614-466-5141 rep56@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
33 Reece, Alicia (D-Cincinnati) 614-466-1308 rep33@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 3
37 Roegner, Kristina (R-Hudson) 614-466-1177 rep37@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
91 Rosenberger, Cliff (R-Clarksville) 614-466-3506 rep91@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 3
48 Schuring, Kirk (R-Canton) 614-752-2438 rep48@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
95 Thompson, Andy (R-Marietta) 614-644-8728 rep95@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 3
61 Young, Ron (R-Leroy) 614-644-6074 rep61@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 3
65 Becker, John (R-Union Township) 614-466-8134 Rep65@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 2
20 Bishoff, Heather (D-Jefferson Township) 614-644-6002 Rep20@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 2
29 Blessing, Louis (R-Cincinnati) 614-466-9091 Rep29@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
25 Boyce, Kevin (D-Columbus) 614-466-5343 Rep25@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 2
84 Buchy, Jim (R-Greenville) 614-466-6344 Rep84@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 2
82 Burkley, Tony (R-Payne) 614-644-5091 rep82@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
41 Butler, Jim (R-Oakwood) 614-644-6008 rep41@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
15 Celebrezze, Nicholas (D-Parma) 614-466-3485 rep15@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 2
17 Curtin, Michael (D-Marble Cliff) 614-644-6005 rep17@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 2
36 DeVitis, Anthony (R-Green ) 614-466-1790 rep36@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 2
66 Green, Doug (R-Mt. Orab) 614-644-6034 rep66@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
50 Hagan, Christina (R-Alliance) 614-466-9078 rep50@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
97 Hill, Brian (R-Zanesville) 614-644-6014 rep97@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 2
78 Hood, Ron (R-Ashville) 614-466-1464 rep78@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 2
24 Kunze, Stephanie (R-Hilliard) 614-466-8012 rep24@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 2
99 Patterson, John (D-Jefferson) 614-466-1405 rep99@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 2
86 Pelanda, Dorothy (R-Marysville) 614-466-8147 rep86@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 2
73 Perales, Rick (R-Beavercreek) 614-644-6020 rep73@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
51 Retherford, Wes (R-Hamilton) 614-644-6721 rep51@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
60 Rogers, John (D-Mentor-on-the-Lake) 614-466-7251 rep60@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 2
2 Romanchuk, Mark (R-Mansfield) 614-466-5802 rep02@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 2
92 Scherer, Gary (R-Circleville) 614-644-7928 rep92@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
38 Slaby, Marilyn (R-Akron) 614-644-5085 rep38@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 2
93 Smith, Ryan (R-Bidwell) 614-466-1366 rep93@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
83 Sprague, Robert (R-Findlay) 614-466-3819 rep83@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
39 Strahorn, Fred (D-Dayton) 614-466-1607 rep39@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 2
30 Terhar, Louis (R-Cincinnati) 614-466-8258 rep30@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 2
42 Antani, Niraj (R-Miamisburg) 614-466-6504 Rep42@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
12 Barnes, John (D-Cleveland) 614-466-1408 Rep12@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
9 Boyd, Janine (D-Cleveland Hts.) 614-644-5079 Rep09@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
27 Brinkman, Tom (R-Cincinnati) 614-644-6886 rep27@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
26 Craig, Hearcel (D-Columbus) 614-466-8010 rep26@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
4 Cupp, Bob (R-Lima) 614-466-9624 rep04@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 1
28 Dever, Jonathan (R-Cincinnati) 614-466-8120 rep28@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
5 Ginter, Tim (R-Salem) 614-466-8022 Rep05@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 1
69 Hambley, Steve (R-Brunswick) 614-466-8140 Rep69@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
11 Howse, Stephanie (D-Cleveland) 614-466-1414 rep11@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
80 Huffman, Steve (R-Tipp City) 614-466-8114 Rep80@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
35 Johnson, Greta (D-Akron) 614-644-6037 rep35@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
79 Koehler, Kyle (R-Springfield) 614-466-2038 rep79@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
32 Kuhns, Christie (D-Cincinnati) 614-466-1645 rep32@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
76 LaTourette, Sarah (R-Bainbridge Twp.) 614-644-5088 rep76@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
22 Leland, David (D-Columbus) 614-466-2473 rep22@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
58 Lepore-Hagan, Michele (D-Youngstown) 614-466-9435 rep58@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
55 Manning, Nathan (R-N. Ridgeville) 614-644-5076 rep55@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
81 McColley, Rob (R-Napoleon) 614-466-3760 rep81@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
64 O'Brien, Michael (D-Warren) 614-466-5358 rep64@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
88 Reineke, Bill (R-Tiffin) 614-466-1374 rep88@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 1
43 Rezabek, Jeffery (R-Clayton) 614-466-2960 rep43@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
71 Ryan, Scott (R-Newark) 614-466-1482 rep71@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
77 Schaffer, Tim (R-Lancaster) 614-466-8100 rep77@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 1
46 Sheehy, Michael (D-Oregon) 614-466-1418 rep46@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
8 Smith, Kent (D-Euclid) 614-466-5441 rep08@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
14 Sweeney, Martin (D-Cleveland) 614-466-3350 rep14@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
34 Sykes, Emilia (D-Akron) 614-466-3100 rep34@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 1
85 Vitale, Nino (R-Urbana) 614-466-1507 Rep85@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 1
54 Zeltwanger, Paul (R-Mason) 614-644-6027 Rep54@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 1
89 Arndt, Steven (R-Port Clinton) 614-644-6011 Rep89@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 0
59 Boccieri, John (D-Alliance) 614-466-6107 Rep59@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 0
18 Boggs, Kristin (D-Columbus) 614-466-1896 Rep18@ohiohouse.gov 10th Fl. 0
74 Dean, Bill (R-Xenia) 614-466-1470 Rep74@ohiohouse.gov 11th Fl. 0
3 Gavarone, Theresa (R-Bowling Green) 614-466-8104 rep03@ohiohouse.gov 13th Fl. 0
87 Goodman, Wes (R-Cardington) 614-644-6265 rep87@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 0
53 Keller, Candice (R-Middletown) 614-644-5094 Rep53@ohiohouse.gov 12th Fl. 0
47 Merrin, Derek (R-Maumee) 614-466-1731 rep47@ohiohouse.gov 14th Fl. 0

NOTE: The TS column indicates terms served in this office. Click on the district number to see the district map. Click on the member's name for biographical information. Some email clients will not allow emails to the number of addresses on the full list. If clicking the "Email All Members" link does not generate an email window, please use the caucus links.

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