Biographical Information
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Cleveland State University
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2015 - 10/1/2018)
Other Offices: Cleveland City Council, eight as Council President
Elections and Political Participation
Ohio Senate 23rd District 2018
Primary Vote:
12,564 of 27,692 (45%)
Ohio House 14th District 2016
General Vote:
28,628 of 28,628 (100%)
Primary Vote:
9,377 of 9,377 (100%)
Ohio House 14th District 2014
General Vote:
16,503 of 26,456 (62%)
Primary Vote:
4,043 of 9,666 (41%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Political Activities: Ohio House of Representatives (ranking member)