Biographical Information
Born: April, 1940 in Toledo
Marital Status: Widowed
Children: four: Linda, Christine, Carol, Kathy
Education: Attended University of Toledo; Mary Manse College
Community Activities: Urban League; Democratic Women's Club, NAACP
Religion: Methodist
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
Senate (1/1/2015 - 12/31/2018)
Senate Minority Whip (1/1/2015 - 12/31/2018)
Senate (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2014)
House (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2010)
Other Offices: Toledo City Council
Elections and Political Participation
Ohio Senate 11th District 2014
General Vote:
47,479 of 73,946 (64%)
Primary Vote:
9,724 of 9,724 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Ohio Senate 11th District 2010
General Vote:
51,151 of 86,280 (59%)
Primary Vote:
10,572 of 18,897 (55%)
Ohio House 48th District 2008
General Vote:
34,863 of 41,401 (84%)
Primary Vote:
17,494 of 17,494 (100%)
Ohio House 48th District 2006
General Vote:
20,756 of 25,398 (81%)
Primary Vote:
5,607 of 5,607 (100%)
Ohio House 48th District 2004
General Vote:
37,704 of 37,704 (100%)
Primary Vote:
7,287 of 7,287 (100%)
Political Activities: AFSCME Retiree Chapter (1992-2002