Biographical Information
Born: May, 1956
Marital Status: Married
Education: B.S., University of Toledo
Community Activities: AFL-CIO delegate, American Legion, Toledo Federation of Teachers, University of Toledo Alumni Association
Religion: Non-Denominational
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
Senate (1/1/2021 - 10/31/2022)
House (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2018)
Senate (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2010)
Other Offices: Senate, 2002-present, House of Representatives, 2000-2002
Elections and Political Participation
Ohio Senate 11th District 2018
General Vote:
71,688 of 103,672 (69%)
Primary Vote:
9,769 of 17,449 (55%)
Ohio House 45th District 2016
General Vote:
26,734 of 42,253 (63%)
Primary Vote:
10,001 of 10,001 (100%)
Ohio House 45th District 2014
General Vote:
14,737 of 23,194 (63%)
Primary Vote:
2,769 of 2,769 (100%)
Ohio House 45th District 2012
General Vote:
33,559 of 33,559 (100%)
Primary Vote:
7,533 of 7,533 (100%)
Ohio House 47th District 2010
General Vote:
16,822 of 26,301 (63%)
Primary Vote:
5,000 of 5,000 (100%)
Ohio Senate 11th District 2006
General Vote:
69,194 of 69,194 (100%)
Primary Vote:
16,317 of 16,317 (100%)
Political Activities: National Caucus of Environmental Legislators; National Caucus of Women in Government; Women's Legislative Network