Biographical Information
Marital Status: Married
Children: two
Education: B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; J.D., Ohio State University
Employment/Military Record: attorney, Williams and Batchelder
Community Activities: Farm Bureau, Medina County Township Association; Grange, Vietnam Veterans of America; American Legion; Masonic Learning Center for Children; Scanlon Inn of Court
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
House (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2014)
House Speaker (1/1/2013 - 12/31/2014)
House (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2012)
House Speaker (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2012)
House (1/1/2009 - 12/31/2010)
House Minority Leader (1/1/2009 - 12/31/2010)
House (1/1/2007 - 12/31/2008)
Other Offices: Judge, Ninth Ohio District Court of Appeals; Ohio House of Representatives, 30 years; adjunct professor, Cleveland State University Levin College of Urban Affairs and University of Akron Law School
Elections and Political Participation
Ohio House 69th District 2012
General Vote:
34,857 of 57,390 (60%)
Primary Vote:
12,279 of 12,279 (100%)
Ohio House 69th District 2010
General Vote:
31,976 of 45,418 (70%)
Primary Vote:
9,060 of 9,060 (100%)
Ohio House 69th District 2008
General Vote:
37,708 of 59,546 (63%)
Primary Vote:
10,707 of 10,707 (100%)
Ohio House 69th District 2006
General Vote:
25,863 of 46,605 (55%)
Primary Vote:
7,767 of 7,767 (100%)